5 Aralık 2010 Pazar

Mevlana ve Aşk - Mevlana and Love

"Come, come whatever you are, it doesn't matter
Whether you are an infidel, an idolater or a fire-worshiper,
Come, our convent is not a place of despair.
Come, even if you violated your swear a hundred times, come again."

Mevlana Celaddiin-i Rumi

Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

There is a life in you, search that life,
Search the secret jewel in the mountain of your body,
Hey you, the passing away friend, look for with all your strength,
Whatever you are looking for, look in yourself not around.

Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

...Gel, ne olursan ol yine gel,
İster kafir, ister mecusi, ister puta tapan ol yine gel,
Bizim dergahımız, ümitsizlik dergahı değildir,
Yüz kere tövbeni bozmuş olsan da yine gel... Mevlana

Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress, Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

Whirling Dervishes, Cappadocia-Turkey, 2007

“Close the door of words that the window of the heart may open.” Rumi

"Love and Heart", Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress,
 Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

"Love and Heart", Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress,
Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

"If I love myself I love you. If I love you I love myself.” Rumi

"Love and Heart", Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress,

Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

"Love and Heart", Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress,
Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

"Love and Heart", Opening Ceremony of 26th National Cardiology Congress,

Istanbul-Turkey October 2010

“Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.” Rumi

Mevlana Jeladdin-i Rumi is a 13th century philosopher and mystic of Islam who is known throughout the world for his exquisite poems and words of wisdom. The name "Mevlana" connotes to "our master" while Rumi relates to "the land of Rum", or Anatolia, which is where he lived.
Sema is part of the inspiration of Mevlana Jelaleddin-i Rumi as well as of Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture. It is what is done as a form of remembrance of God.

For more about Mevlana, Sema and Whirling Dervishes please visit:

The Museum of Mevlana:

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